By Kinship Communications on Terça, 15 Junho 2021
Category: Connection Magazine

Interview with a mother of an LGBTQ child in Brasil

Leo: When did you first realize your daughter was LGBTQIA+, and when did she begin telling others? What was her early coming out experience like? Interview with a mother of an LGBTQ child in Brasil

Cynthia: Well, I’ve always known she was a palette full of colors. I’m not sure about when she started telling others about her sexuality. These days kids don’t need to do a big reveal on it. They are way more open-minded, and they accept other people’s individualities. Her early coming-out moment wasn’t a big thing for me. Once she had been understood, loved, and respected in her family, she began talking about it as the natural thing that it is.

Leo: Are you in the LGBTQIA+ community? How is the family education? In your opinion, how important is it to be out with these different people around her and in these different environments?

Cynthia: I’m not in a specific community. I’m in a community where people must respect and love each other. I don’t have LGBTQIA+friends. I simply have friends. My daughter has always been around good people with beautiful hearts. She learned she should never judge love. She is loved!

Leo: It’s common for kids to be “out” to their parents. How has it changed from the past?

Cynthia: Peoples’ hearts and minds may have changed, but there’s still a long road ahead of us.

Leo: As a mother, how did you handle your daughter’s orientation; and what was your biggest issue related to it?

Cynthia: I have no issues towards her being who she is. I’m afraid of ignorant people and violence. I want her to live life to her fullest, without limiting herself and her ability to love.

Leo: How comfortable are you with your daughter’s identity as an LGBTQIA+ person?

Cynthia: She is loved. She is a beautiful human being. What’s wrong about it?

Leo: Has your daughter ever suffered any kind of bullying at school or inside the family? How did she handle it? How did you deal with it?

Cynthia: Yes. She identifies herself as pansexual. She has already dated boys and girls. Her first love was a boy named Thiago, from her school. When he found out who she really is, he – as a religious boy – decided to end things up. At that time, she had things to vent about and got really close to a girl also from her school. They used to open up about everything to each other, and this girl came out to Yasmin and said her parents didn’t like their friendship and they ended up coming across the truth about their daughter being LGBTQIA+. They decided to blame my daughter for this and came to my house for a conversation. I did not tolerate that, and they listened to some “nice” things from me and regretted coming. Of course!

Leo: What’s your greatest fear related to your daughter’s sexual identity?

Cynthia: My greatest fear is intolerance and violence as a result of it.

Leo: As a parent, do you worry that your daughter’s appearance, style, dress, or the way she walks may affect how people see her?

Cynthia: No, she is free. People will always tell. I only worry about her feelings. I’m afraid of not being here for her whenever she needs me.

Leo: How do other parents see you?

Cynthia: Some see me as a crazy woman. Some as a role model, and there are those who see me as a human being trying to help the ones I love survive in this world.

Leo: What words of wisdom would you share to another parent?

Cynthia: Communication and respect are the foundations of successful parenting.

Leo: Describe a little about yourself and your daughter.

Cynthia: We love each other. Best friends forever. She is always there for me, my helping hand, and I’m always there for her. My hero, my idol, a piece of me.

** - The interview and article were originally created in Portuguese and translated into English for a wider audience.